diumenge, 17 de maig del 2015

ITALY 2015

10,000-year-old Antarctic ice shelf will disappear by 2020

One of the last remaining sections of Antarctica's Larsen B Ice Shelf is dramatically weakening, according to a new NASA study.
The study predicts that what remains of the once-prominent ice shelf, a thick floating platform of ice, most likely will "disintegrate completely" before the end of this decade
Opinion: If Antarcita disappear, I think that the continents will disappear because the water level will rise. I think it's a very serious matter and we must do everything possible to not pass.


dijous, 14 de maig del 2015


There have been many versions of Cinderella since Charles Perrault first published his fairy tale in 1697. this new version starts English actresses Lily James and Helena Bonham Carter in the roles of Cinderella and her fairy godmother. With sumptuous ballgowns and lots of humour, it's sure to become another big Disney success!

Cosy phone box/ Useful ring

Cosy phone box

You don't semm many traditional telephone boses in Britain today - the last one was made in 1985. When red telephone boses were in use, they were cold and often smelly. But this one, in London street, not far from the famous tower Big Ben, has knitted cover. It is part of an art project called "Knit the City"... and it's the cosiest telephone box in history!

Useful ring

This titanium ring has five mini tools. Bruce Boone, from the USA, made it. But, this rings are not cheap - this one cost 326 euros! A Swiss Army Knife is more practical... and cheaper!

An accident - Unit 9

This happened a week ago which was a real test of honesty. I was walking through the park with my friend Marta when suddenly we found an envelope with € 1000. I was so nervous because I didn't know what we had to do in that moment but my Marta knew what she wanted to do.

'Maria we have to keep it. If we do it we'll be able to buy some clothes and shoes, it's fantastic!' she said.

'I don't think so. I think we have to returned it. It's the right thing' I said.

'But think what we'll be able to do with all this money' Marta said.

'Yeah, I know but the best thing we can do is five it to the police. Trust me' I said.

We were talking a few minutes and in the end we went to the polic office to give the money. I think it was the right thing to do and also, I think that this experience changed Marta and me. 

A year in Australia - Unit 8

Last year I went to Australia to learn english. I knew that at the first time, things would be diffecult but I didn't care about it.
The first two months were horrible. When I arrived there, I didn't understand anything. When I went to school, things were very different. Sometimes my new friends explalined what the teacher was telling me.

In December things changeed. When I went to school, I understood everything. I could talk with my friends really good and my marks changed. All was different.
Since then I started to enjoy the year and the new experiences and new people.

These days, I feel much happier. This trip changed my life and all around me, I think that this wxperience radically changed lives.

School on Saturday - Unit 7

Last week, the government introduced school on Saturday morning to improve the leel of education. In my view, this wouldhave negative consequences.

In the first place, I believe that to introduce school on Saturday morning would have negative consequences because kids would be angry and tired. Young people need some days to relax and to spend time with their friends and their family. I also think that this would have negative consequences because the level would decrease because we would be tired.

In fact, I thik that it is a bad idea that the government introduce school on Saturday morning to improve the level of education because we would be tired and our level would decrease.